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Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Happy Birthday

Today is my Birthday

Today I am 30

In my 30 yrs of life I have: (in no particular order)
*Lived in- Kansas, Missouri, Germany, New Jersey, Virginia, Nebraska, Tennessee, Indiana, Alabama, back to Indiana, and finally here in again Virginia
*Visited- France, Mexico, & Spain
*I ran into a tree & knocked myself out (on foot, I actually RAN into a tree)
*Survived my Parent's divorce
*Graduated High School & College
*Gotten 3 tattoos
*Been in 6 car accidents, driving in 4 of them, but only 2 were my fault
*Been to Counseling
*Swam in the Mediterranean Sea (it was FREEZING)
*Fell in love with my Best Friend and got married
*Gone snorkeling in the Bahamas
*Received, Experienced, & Witnessed God's Redeeming Grace time & time again
*Quit Grad. School to pursue full time ministry with my Husband
*Worked with Teen Girls at a Rehab for drug use & destructive behavior
*Slept in a cardboard box for Invisible Children
*Gave birth to two beautiful (& BIG babies - 9lbs9oz and 8lbs6oz)
*Traded my car in for a mini-van
*Drove in a "professional" go-kart race for charity
*Watched someone I love take their last breath
*Said goodbye to new friends and been reunited with old

among many other things

wow, 30 years
as I look back I am so very thankful for the many ways God has blessed me, more than I could possibly count/name. I embrace my 30th birthday with open arms and have decided to view this year as a sort of "okay Kim, remember all those things you said you wanted to do one day, well you're 30 so get to it!" motivation to start living a healthy lifestyle (eating/cooking healthy & working out regularly). I have a strong desire to lead by example for my boys, not just in how I treat my body but also how I love God and love others.

So welcome to my blog
I'm not exactly sure what it will end up being or looking like
I enjoy reading blogs, I follow some that belong to my friends and serve as a way for me to keep in touch and up to date on their lives and some I follow because they are super crafty and have cute ideas. Mine will probably be a mixture of both, I will share about my life, past and present and sometimes I will show off something cute I made

But to start off I thought it would be fun to do a photo challenge!
I love pictures, I by no means, am a professional photographer
but I love to look at pictures and play around with my camera
so when I saw this idea for a 30 day photo challenge on Pinterest I thought it would be a fun way to
start out my blog!

30 days of photos for the 1st 30 days of my 30s!
*here's the link for the Challenge if you'd like to check it out  30 day photo challenge: Gratitude

Thanks for stopping by!