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Monday, February 6, 2012

photo challenge: Books

After taking the day off from blogging, enjoying some time with family & friends, I'm back!
Today's photo challenge is...
B O O K S 

the older I get the more I enjoy reading! which is kind of funny since the most recent series I've read and LOVED is geared towards teens. In my defense I know of many other adults that have also enjoyed the Hunger Games series  :) 
I enjoy reading non-fiction as well from time to time, some of my favorite authors include, Donald Miller, Brennan Manning,  & Rob Bell. The downside to reading non-fiction for me is I feel like I have to read slow and meticulously because I don't want to miss anything, and sometimes I have to re-read certain passages a few times to allow the content to really sink in.  However there is just something about picking up a novel and getting lost in the characters & story.  I'm also a pretty picky reader, if something doesn't catch my attention quickly, it is highly unlikely that I will stick with it! 
I do however like to read the book before seeing the movie, especially on for new releases. That is actually how I came about reading The Notebook; The Twilight Saga; Eat, Pray, Love & The Help. I saw previews and decided to read the book 1st. I think its interesting to see how the story transfers from the book to the screen. I'm usually satisfied with the movies, I understand there is no way they can fit the details of a whole book into 2hrs (or less) Sometimes I'm disappointed when they may leave out my favorite part or minor character. I wasn't too thrilled with Eat, Pray, Love the movie...I love me some Julia Roberts, but the movie definitely fell way short of the book in my opinion. 
Now onto The Hunger Games, I read this series of 3 books (the 3rd, Mocking Jay not pictured) in a  week! I just couldn't put them down. Eric & I were flying to VA for a job interview so I decided to look for a new book for the trip, I had heard people talk about the Hunger Games, so I thought it was worth a shot. I actually read the books a few months before I had even heard that there was a movie in the making. Which I am super excited about :) I'm also one of those crazy people who think its fun to go see movies during the midnight "premiere" showings!! I love the atmosphere and excitement! Well I used to be one of those people until recently when a certain little man came into my life and still wakes up in the middle of the night multiple times, sleep has just become too valuable. 

Another quirk about me is that I DO NOT buy the books with the movie edition art work on the cover, I want the original artwork. I once heard a comedian say that he thought it was genius that they started marketing the book using the actors from the movie based on the book, when people see the cover and say things like "oh I didn't know Brad Pitt was in this book" haha

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